Our Worship Service
February 10, 2019
5th Sunday after Epiphany

The entire worship service


The announcements given by Angie Jenkins

Music of Preparation &
Call to Worship & opening Hymn

Rev. Billy Hester followed by the congregation singing "Holy, Holy, Holy!"

"God's Holy People" a poem by Ann Weems
Read by Sondra Mydell

The Asbury Memorial choir sings "We Are Not Alone", an anthem written by Pepper Choplin. Directed by Ray Ellis. Soloists: Sharon Page and Nick Deffley

Prayers of the People
Rev. Richard Allen

Scripture Reading from Luke 19:1-10
Rhonda Reed

"The Summons"

Pre Sermon Announcements
Rev. Billy Hester gives several pre sermon announcementsincluding prayer concerns for Paula Wilson and April Prow. He also gives thanks to those who partisipated in the Love Walk and those involved with the ISCAP (International Student Climate Art Project) event. He then with the congregation wish Tina and Neil Austin a happy 57th wedding anniversary.

Rev. Billy Hester's sermon, "The Schnozzola & Satchmo" is about connecting to people and building relations, being unique, authentic and honest. When speaking, think; is it right, how would you like to hear it if it was about you. He also reflected on as to how to deal with anger.

AUDIO ONLY Version ... MP3 format

The OFfertory:

Rev. Richard Allen

The Lady and the Caring Clown

Linda Combs, Gary Harman, The Asbury Green Team

Closisng Hymn

"They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love"

New Member & Benediction

Before giving the benediction, Rev. Billy Hester welcomes new member, Jan Wright.

The worship service bulletin

Rev. Billy Hester
Rev.Richard Allen

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffely
Piano: Ray Ellis
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop

Sound and Light Technicians
Stephen Swanger
Barry Parker
Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop

Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]