Segments from our Service

       June 11, 2017
VBS Celebration of the Superheroes Sunday

Worship Service Bulletin

Pictures from the Service

The VBS Superheroes

Orange Ribbons for a Reason
Two Additional Ribbons Hung

Sermon (Video Version)
"Superman, Batman, and Jumpman"
Rev. Billy Hester

"Notes on the Sermon
Dwight Cambell of the Men's Group

Sermon (Audio Only version)
"Superman, Batman, and Jumpman"
Rev. Billy Hester

Great for MP3 Players, Ipods and PodCasts

Offertory: "Everlasting God"
The VBS Superheroes

VBS Dance: "Superheroes Dance"
The VBS Superheroes

A Special Benediction given by BATMAN


Rev. Billy Hester

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffley
Piano: Ray Ellis / Key Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

VBS Coordinator: Cheri Hester

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop
Sound: Les Sears
Lights: Barry Parker
Video Projection: Bill Kelso

Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop
Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]