Our Worsip Service for September 30, 2018

       September 30
19th Sunday after Pentecost

The worship service bulletin

The entire Worship Service Experience
Video of the entire worship service uninterrupted

Segments of the Worship Service:

Shirley Sessions & Margaret Cook-Leavy

CALL TO WORSHIP: Rev. Billy Hester
Opening Hymn: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"

Dedication of Children's Church
Teachers & Nursery Volunteers
Rev. Billy Hester

Song: "Together We Serve" (Ray Ellis)
Prayers of the People (Rev. Claire Marich)

Anthem: "God Bless This House"
Scripture reading from Genesis 3:1-7
Reading from "Snow White"

HYMN #314 "In The Garden"

Pre-Sermon Announcements and
Birthday Wish to Jamie Gifford

Sermon: "Adam & Eve & the Seven Dwarfs" Rev. Billy Hester

AUDIO ONLY ... Great for Ipods and MP3 Players ... Sermon: "Adam & Eve & the Seven Dwarfs" Rev. Billy Hester

Anthem: "God Bless This House"
Asbury Memorial Choir

Closing Hymn: "Praise the Source of Faith and Learning"

Rev. Billy Hester


Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Claire Marich

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffley
Piano: Ray Ellis / Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop
Assistant Video Photographer: Christina Focht-Kincade
Sound, Lights & Video:
Stephen Swanger(Audio)
Christina Focht-Kincade(Lights)
Recorder: Barry Parker

Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop
Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]